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16 May 2022

Improving Early Detection and Clinical Management of Bladder Cancer, IARC Evidence Summary Brief No. 3

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The International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has released a new IARC Evidence Summary Brief, titled “Improving Early Detection and Clinical Management of Bladder Cancer”, in which researchers from IARC and partners argue for the validation of a simple and cost-effective urine test that could significantly improve early detection and management of bladder cancer, including among high-risk populations.

This IARC Evidence Summary Brief is the third in a series of scientific Evidence Summary Briefs published by IARC to call attention to the findings of evidence-based studies in key aspects of cancer prevention.

Press release

IARC Press Release 314

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Evidence Summary Brief about Early Detection of Bladder Cancer

Improving Early Detection and Clinical Management of Bladder Cancer, IARC Evidence Summary Brief No. 3

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Related videos

Dr Florence Le Calvez-Kelm and Dr Mahdi Sheikh on promising biomarkers

This video presents research on biomarkers that could act as an early detection method for bladder cancer, potentially offering a tool to cost-effectively screen individuals at high risk of developing the disease.

This video offers an insight into IARC’s laboratories and the important research being carried out there. It also highlights the international aspect of the Agency’s work in planning studies and collaborating with partners across the globe. The urine biomarker discussed in the video showed promising results as a simple, non-invasive test to detect bladder cancer at early stages of development, potentially leading to improvements in the clinical management of bladder cancer and in screening of high-risk populations, such as smokers or workers exposed to bladder carcinogens.

Dr Florence Le Calvez-Kelm & Dr Mahdi Sheikh on promising biomarkers

Dr Florence Le Calvez Kelm on genetics and biomarker discoveries

Dr Florence Le Calvez-Kelm, France, is a scientist in IARC’s Genetic Cancer Susceptibility Group. Thanks to her, IARC boasts a state-of-the-art genetic platform that is used in many projects. She leads a project researching bladder cancer biomarkers which has discovered a new less-invasive technique to detect cancer biomarkers up to 10 years prior to diagnosis, potentially revolutionizing cancer detection.

Dr Florence Le Calvez Kelm on genetics and biomarker discoveries
Evidence Summary Briefs series

IARC Evidence Summary Briefs series

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