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Genomic Epidemiology Branch (GEM)

Repository Access Policy and Publication Guidelines

The Genomic Epidemiology Branch (GEM) coordinates large consortia, which have contributed to a better understanding of environmental and genetic risk factors associated with different cancer types and to an increase in the representation of non-European populations in epidemiological and genomic studies. These efforts have resulted in a large repository that contains biospecimens and well-annotated clinical and exposure data from thousands of patients with cancer and controls.

This repository, which is hosted by GEM at the International Agency for Research on Cancer/World Health Organization (IARC/WHO), constitutes an outstanding research resource. Therefore, institutions that contribute to the repository are formally establishing the GEM Repository, because it is their mission to maximize the lifetime value of these collections, to ensure their optimal use for the benefit of public health.

Therefore, the GEM Resources held within the GEM Repository are made available to the international research community with as few restrictions as possible, for investigators who seek to answer important questions about cancer within a research project that is in line with the scientific mandate of the GEM Repository. Such research projects must be conducted in compliance with internationally recognized standards and applicable laws and regulations, and in a manner that is consistent with the legal and ethical frameworks of IARC/WHO and the Providing Centres, as laid out in the Access Policy.

In line with IARC/WHO’s mandate in the global fight against cancer, the GEM Repository provides resources and scientific evidence to aid the understanding of causes of cancer, and to improve early detection and survival rates of patients with cancer.

Access Policy

Genomic Epidemiology Data and Biospecimen Access Policy

Publication Guidelines

Publication Guidelines for the Use of the GEM Repository


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