SummaryLung cancer is the most common cancer type and the most common cause of cancer death in the world. In 2022 almost 2.5 million people were diagnosed with lung cancer and more than 1.8 million people died from the disease. Lung cancer causes more than twice as many deaths as colorectal cancer, which is the second most common cause of cancer death. The enormous burden of lung cancer obscures the fact that most cases are avoidable. The principal risk factor for developing lung cancer remains tobacco smoking, which is responsible for approximately 85% of all cases. Other common causes include exposure to contaminants such as second-hand tobacco smoke, outdoor and indoor air pollution, diesel engine exhaust, welding fumes, and asbestos.
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InfographicsRare Disease Day 2024: the IARC Rare Cancers Genomics Team
1. Why is it important to study lung neuroendocrine tumours?
2. Which innovative technologies have you used to address the knowledge gap?