International Childhood Cancer Day 2025 Home
To mark International Childhood Cancer Day 2025, the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) has published a series of videos about the Targeting Childhood Cancer through the Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development (ChildGICR) project and the ChildGICR Masterclass. The series includes short interviews with the creators, trainers, and participants in the Masterclass courses.
A Masterclass in Childhood Cancer Registration: How & Why?
ChildGICR: why it’s fundamental, with Dr Florencia Moreno
Knock-on effects: How the ChildGICR Masterclass is improving cancer control worldwide
Childhood cancer registration – how ChildGICR improves research & capacity with Dr Brenda Mallon
Transforming cancer registration in low- & middle-income countries with ChildGICR: Dr Radhakrishnan
ChildGICR: improving data availability to control childhood cancer in the Caribbean – Sarah Crooks
Related IARC research
DECAN-Child: identifying the challenges of childhood cancer care in Nepal
The DECAN-Child project, launched in June 2022, is a research initiative coordinated by the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), the cancer research agency of the World Health Organization (WHO). The project aims to identify barriers and measure delays in cancer care, assess its quality, and evaluate survival outcomes among paediatric patients with cancer in Nepal. To mark International Childhood Cancer Day 2025, IARC is sharing a story about the project, along with two testimonies from participants, illustrating the challenges faced by children with cancer and their families in Nepal.