L’extraitIn 2020, breast cancer became the most commonly diagnosed cancer type in the world; there were more than 2.26 million new cases of breast cancer and almost 685 000 deaths from breast cancer worldwide. Breast cancer was the most common cause of cancer death in women and the fifth most common cause of cancer death overall.
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Research Project Websites
Maternal Orphans due to Cancer Deaths: Global Estimates
Global Cancer Observatory
EpiMARKS+: Identifying epigenetic biomarkers of breast cancer risk and their environmental/lifestyle determinants
International Consortium on Mammographic Density
ABC-DO: African Breast Cancer-Disparities in Outcomes study
SABC: South Africa Breast Cancer study
PRECAMA study: Molecular Subtypes of Premenopausal Breast Cancer in Latin American Women
EDSMAR: Determinants of Breast Cancer in Morocco study