Contenu Gallbladder cancer News & Events News & Events Nouvelles Dietary intake of advanced glycation endproducts and risk of hepatobiliary cancers: a multinational cohort study Plus d'informations 04.05.2021 18.01.2021 Body mass index and waist circumference in relation to the risk of 26 types of cancer: a prospective cohort study of 3.5 million adults in Spain SEE MORE News & Events Communiques de presse Communiques de presse Communiques de presse Indoor burning of biomass and kerosene fuels is associated with higher risk of developing several types of digestive cancers Go to PDF 17.06.2020 25.08.2016 IARC identifies eight additional cancer sites linked to overweight and obesity SEE MORE Communiques de presse Highlights Highlights Chroniques Indoor burning of biomass and kerosene fuels is associated with higher risk of developing several types of digestive cancers Plus d'informations 17.06.2020 SEE MORE Highlights Infographics Infographics Infographic Types de cancer corrélés au surpoids et l'obésité Plus d'informations 27.09.2017 SEE MORE Infographics Research Project Websites Research Project Websites Global Cancer Observatory