Contenu Prostate cancer News & Events News & Events Nouvelles IARC launches project to introduce and improve cancer screening in Slovenia Plus d'informations 03.03.2025 05.09.2024 New IARC study highlights that the recent large increases in prostate cancer incidence in Europe are probably driven by PSA testing 08.04.2024 Cancer screening metrics: effective evaluation to balance benefits and harms SEE MORE News & Events Communiques de presse Communiques de presse Communiques de presse New IARC study highlights that the recent large increases in prostate cancer incidence in Europe are probably driven by PSA testing Go to PDF 05.09.2024 08.04.2024 Cancer screening metrics: effective evaluation to balance benefits and harms 17.06.2022 Updated profile of the cancer burden, patterns, and trends in Latin America and the Caribbean SEE MORE Communiques de presse Highlights Highlights Chroniques Le programme des Monographies du CIRC évalue la consommation de la viande rouge et des produits carnés transformés Plus d'informations 26.10.2015 SEE MORE Highlights Research Project Websites Research Project Websites Global Cancer Observatory