Contenu China News & Events News & Events Nouvelles IARC-NCC China Joint Course 2024: “Introduction to Cancer Epidemiology” Plus d'informations 01.07.2024 16.11.2023 IARC-led study finds that 2 million lives are lost to preventable cancers each year across seven countries 09.05.2023 IARC and the National Cancer Center of China launch a regional Learning Centre SEE MORE News & Events Communiques de presse Communiques de presse Communiques de presse Global and regional estimates of maternal orphans attributed to cancer mortality in 2020: 1 million new maternal orphans due to cancer in 2020 Go to PDF 21.11.2022 31.01.2018 $46 billion in productivity lost to cancer in major emerging economies SEE MORE Communiques de presse