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Researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) and partner institutions will present recommendations for improving cancer care for patients in Latvia. The recommendations will be presented to Latvian health sector specialists, politicians, public officials, and patient advocate organizations on 8–9 March at the University of Latvia. The event is part of the Improving Cancer Care Coordination and Screening in Latvia and Slovakia (ICCCS) project, which is led by IARC.
Representatives of IARC, the Organisation of European Cancer Institutes, and the Erasmus University Medical Center (The Netherlands) will present recommendations for creating, improving, and ensuring equally high-quality and equally accessible cancer care for all patients in Latvia. The recommendations will be based on research on current standards and practices of cancer care in Latvia, as well as international best practices.
The event will include a public session, to be held at the Great Hall of the University of Latvia, at 19 Raiņa Boulevard in Riga, from 9:00 am to 12:30 pm on 9 March.
The ICCCS project is a unique partnership between IARC, the Directorate-General for Structural Reform Support of the European Commission, and the ministries of health of Latvia and Slovakia. The objectives of the project, which will contribute to Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan, are to optimize existing screening programmes, develop new approaches, create comprehensive cancer centres that are networked at the European level, develop a comprehensive cancer infrastructure, and create and develop a well-functioning cancer registry.