Questions et réponses

  1. Breast cancer cases and deaths are projected to rise globally
  2. IARC launches website of EU-CanIneq, a project to measure and address socioeconomic inequalities in cancer across Europe
  3. IARC Monographs evaluate the carcinogenicity of talc and acrylonitrile: IARC Monographs Volume 136
  4. Cancer Screening metrics: effective evaluation to balance benefits and harms
  5. Rare Disease Day 2024: the IARC Rare Cancers Genomics Team
  6. Cancer mortality in chrysotile miners and millers, Russian Federation: main results (Asbest Chrysotile Cohort Study)
  7. IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 20A: Reduction or cessation of alcohol consumption
  8. Les Monographies du CIRC évaluent les effets cancérogènes de l’acide perfluorooctanoïque (APFO) et de l’acide perfluorooctanesulfonique (SPFO)
  9. Les Monographies du CIRC évaluent la cancérogénicité du méthyleugénol et de l’isoeugénol
  10. Aspartame
  11. Monographies du CIRC sur l’identification des dangers cancérogènes pour l’Homme
  12. IARC Monographs evaluate the carcinogenicity of anthracene, 2-bromopropane, butyl methacrylate, and dimethyl hydrogen phosphite
  13. International Childhood Cancer Day 2023 – Dr Eva Steliarova-Foucher
  14. Les Monographies du CIRC évaluent la cancérogénicité de l’exposition professionnelle en tant que pompier
  15. IARC Monographs evaluation of the carcinogenicity of cobalt, antimony compounds, and weapons-grade tungsten alloy
  16. World Code Against Cancer Framework
  17. IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 18: Evaluation of cervical cancer screening methods
  18. IARC Monographs evaluation of the carcinogenicity of 1,1,1-trichloroethane and four other industrial chemicals
  19. Latest global data on cancer burden and alcohol consumption
  20. IARC Monographs evaluation of the carcinogenicity of gentian violet, leucogentian violet, malachite green, leucomalachite green, and CI Direct Blue 218
  21. International Childhood Cancer Day 2021: Targeting Childhood Cancer through the Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development (ChildGICR) – Dr Eva Steliarova-Foucher
  22. International Childhood Cancer Day 2021: Targeting Childhood Cancer through the Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development (ChildGICR) – IARC Director Dr Elisabete Weiderpass
  23. Cervical Cancer Awareness Month 2021
  24. Latest global cancer data: cancer burden rises to 19.3 million new cases and 10.0 million cancer deaths in 2020
  25. IARC Monographs evaluation of the carcinogenicity of acrolein, crotonaldehyde, and arecoline
  26. Genetic risk factors for breast cancer and ovarian cancer in Latin America – Dr Sandra Perdomo
  27. Genetic markers and breast cancer – Dr Zdenko Herceg
  28. IARC Monographs evaluation of the carcinogenicity of opium consumption
  29. World Hepatitis Day 2020
  30. Dietary and circulating fatty acids and ovarian cancer risk in the European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
  31. IARC Monographs evaluation of the carcinogenicity of some aromatic amines and related compounds
  32. Indoor burning of biomass and kerosene fuels is associated with higher risk of developing several types of digestive cancers
  33. Overdiagnosis of thyroid cancer
  34. Oesophageal Cancer Awareness Month 2020
  35. World Cancer Report: Cancer Research for Cancer Prevention
  36. Monographies du CIRC sur l’identification des dangers cancérogènes pour l’Homme
  37. IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention Volume 16: Body Fatness
  38. Monographies du CIRC sur la consommation de café , de maté et de boissons très chaudes
  39. IARC Monographs evaluation on Glyphosate
  40. Monographies du CIRC sur la cancérogénicité de la consommation de viande rouge et de viande transformée
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