Dr Elisabete Weiderpass, Director of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC), visited India on 26 February to 7 March 2023 to participate in a number of high-level meetings that will directly contribute to the improvement of cancer control in the region.
Dr Weiderpass took part in the institutional peer review of the Tata Memorial Centre and the International Collaboration for Research methods Development in Oncology (CReDO) workshop, both in Mumbai, India. Dr Weiderpass also had separate meetings with Dr Razia Pendse, Director of the Department of Healthier Populations and Noncommunicable Diseases of the World Health Organization Regional Office for South-East Asia, and Dr Cyrus Poonawalla, Chairman of the Serum Institute of India.
Participation in these events and meetings strengthens IARC partnerships in the region, enabling new projects to begin and adding momentum to ongoing projects, and directly contributes to the IARC mission to promote international collaboration in cancer research.