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28 August 2024
Cervical cancer

IARC hosted meeting of Expert Working Group on cervical cancer to review scientific evidence on screening programmes

The Expert Working Group of the European Commission Initiative on Cervical Cancer (EC-CvC) started its review of the latest evidence on cervical screening during a meeting held on 20–22 August 2024 at the headquarters building of the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC). This review marks the initial stage of a structured process aimed at updating guidelines and recommendations for cervical cancer care and services. Drawing on its international experience in generating and synthesizing evidence, the Early Detection, Prevention, and Infections Branch at IARC is leading the initiative, in collaboration with the European Commission’s Joint Research Centre (EC-JRC).

The Expert Working Group focused on recommendations for the optimal age to start and stop screening, as well as determining which tests provide the best balance of benefits and harms for asymptomatic populations across different age ranges.

The group members have expertise covering the full patient pathway from primary to tertiary care. The mission of the EC-CvC Expert Working Group is to develop, by mid-2026, updated patient-centred, evidence-based guidelines on human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination, cervical cancer screening, and the diagnosis and management of precancerous lesions. In addition, the group aims to identify quality and safety indicators and performance measures for the European quality assurance scheme for cervical cancer care. This living guideline will be a valuable resource for patients, health-care providers, programme managers, and policy-makers across European Union Member States.

View group photo 

Read more about IARC’s work on cervical cancer 

Read more about the EC-JRC’s initiatives on cancer guidelines and quality assurance 

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Published in section: IARC News

Publication date: 28 August, 2024, 11:48

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© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2024

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