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12 February 2025

IARC to co-host BioMed-AI Summer School 2025

Researchers from the International Agency for Research on Cancer (IARC) will co-host a major summer school on artificial intelligence (AI) and health on 26–28 May 2025. The BioMed-AI Summer School will be held in the IARC building in Lyon, France, and will welcome up to 50 researchers, health-care professionals, legal experts, and policy-makers to participate and co-produce an open access publication covering all the key insights and research shared throughout the conference.

Scientists and professionals from the fields of life sciences, information technology and AI, and ethics and law are invited to submit their applications to be a part of the BioMed-AI Summer School, before the registration deadline of 21 March 2025. Participants will be chosen on the basis of their curriculum vitae and a 200-word statement describing how they would benefit from participating in the BioMed-AI Summer School.

The BioMed-AI Summer School sessions are free of charge. However, participants would need to arrange their own travel and accommodation and provide their own laptop for interactive sessions.

Visit the BioMed-AI Summer School website for more information

View the programme of the BioMed-AI Summer School 

Register for the BioMed-AI Summer School

Publication status

Published in section: IARC News

Publication date: 12 February, 2025, 10:53

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© Copyright International Agency on Research for Cancer 2025

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