Cancer Surveillance Branch
- Global Cancer Observatory
GCO Cancer Today, Globocan 2018 - ACCIS: Automated Childhood Cancer Information System
- Cancer Inequalities
- CI5: Cancer Incidence in Five Continents
- CRICCS: Cancer Risk in Childhood Cancer Survivors
- EU-CanIneq: Mapping Socioeconomic Inequalities in Cancer Mortality across European Countries
- GICR: Global Initiative for Cancer Registry Development
- IICC: International Incidence of Childhood Cancer
- NORDCAN: Cancer Incidence, Mortality, Prevalence and Survival in the Nordic Countries
- SURVIVAL: International Cancer Survival Benchmarking
- WHO Cancer Mortality Database
Genomic Epidemiology Branch
- BEED: Bladder Cancer Epidemiology and Early Detection in Africa study
- DISCERN: Discovering the Causes of Three Poorly Understood Cancers in Europe
- HEADSpAcE: Translational Studies of Head and Neck Cancer in South America and Europe
- ILCCO: International Lung Cancer Consortium
- InterCHANGE: The role of HPV, genetics, tobacco and alcohol consumption in the etiology and clinical outcome of head and neck cancers in Latin America
- LC3: The Lung Cancer Cohort Consortium
- VOYAGER: The role of germline and somatic DNA mutations in oral and oropharyngeal cancers
Nutrition and Metabolism Branch
- EDSMAR: Determinants of Breast Cancer in Morocco study
- EPIC: The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition
- Exposome-Explorer Database
- PRECAMA study: Molecular Subtypes of Premenopausal Breast Cancer in Latin American Women
- SABC: South Africa Breast Cancer study
- BCNet: Biobank and Cohort Building Network
- IARC Biobank
Laboratory Support, Biobanking, and Services
Environment and Lifestyle Epidemiology Branch
- ABC-DO: African Breast Cancer-Disparities in Outcomes study
- AGRICOH: A Consortium of Agricultural Cohort Studies
- ARCH: Agenda for Research on Chernobyl Health
- ASBEST CHRYSOTILE COHORT STUDY: Occupational exposure to chrysotile in workers in mines and processing facilities in , Russian Federation
- BEED: Bladder Cancer Epidemiology and Early Detection in Africa study
- Cancer Prevention Europe
- CLIC: Childhood Cancer and Leukemia International Consortium
- CO-CHER: Cooperation on Chernobyl Health Research
- COSMOS: Etude de cohorte sur l′utilisation des téléphones portables et santé
- ECAC: European Code Against Cancer
- EPI-CT: International pediatric CT scan study
- ESCCAPE: Oesophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma African Prevention Research
- GALnet: The Global Acute Leukaemia network
- International Consortium on Mammographic Density
- Maternal Orphans due to Cancer Deaths: Global Estimates project
- Research on Potential Long-Term Health Effects of Tattooing
- SEMI-NUC project: Prospective cohort study of residents near the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site – feasibility assessment
- SYNERGY: A pooled analysis of case-control studies on the joint effects of occupational carcinogens in the development of lung cancer
- The INTERPHONE study
- TM-NUC: Thyroid Monitoring after Nuclear Accidents
- World Code Against Cancer Framework
Epigenomics and Mechanisms Branch
- ARISTOCANCERS: Investigating human cancers associated with exposure to aristolochic acids
- EpiChildCan: Identifying epigenetic markers of childhood cancer risk
- EpiDRIVERS: Identifying epigenetic driver genes (epidrivers) in cancer and their link to environmental carcinogens/exposures
- EpiMARKS+: Identifying epigenetic biomarkers of breast cancer risk and their environmental/lifestyle determinants
- MUTSPEC 2.0 project: Toxicogenomics and functional impact of carcinogen exposure in humans and experimental models
Early Detection, Prevention, and Infections Branch
- The CanScreen-ECIS project
- CanScreen5: Cancer Screening in Five Continents
- Cancer Screening at IARC
- HPV-AHEAD: Role of human papillomavirus infection and other co-factors in the etiology of head and neck cancer in Europe and India
Evidence Synthesis and Classification Branch
- IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention
- IARC Monographs on the Identification of Carcinogenic Hazards to Humans
- WHO Classification of Tumours Series (WHO Blue Books)
- International Collaboration for Cancer Classification and Research (IC3R)
- Mapping the Evidence for the World Health Organization (WHO) Classification of Tumours: a Living Evidence Gap Map by Tumour Type (WCT EVI MAP)