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Joachim Schuz Branch Head
Environment and Lifestyle Epidemiology

Speciality: Environment, Radiation and Cancer
Year Degree Major Institution Country/Town
2002 Habilitation Epidemiology, Biostatistics, and Medical Informatics University of Mainz Germany / Mainz
1997 PhD Epidemiology University of Mainz Germany / Mainz
1993 Diploma Medical Informatics University of Heidelberg Germany / Heidelberg
Current Research Projects

Case-control studies on environmental causes (focus on endocrine disrupting agents) of testicular cancer ; TESTESPERA (France) and NORDTEST (Nordic countries)
Beatrice Fervers (CLB), Susanne Oksbjerg Dalton (DCS), Maria Feychting (Karolinska), Tore Tynes (NCR), Niels Eric Skakkebæk (Uni Copenhagen); IARC: Charlotte LeCornet, Rémi Beranger, Joachim Schüz

Historical cohort study of cancer mortality following exposure to chrysotile asbestos at the Uralasbest plant in Asbest, Russian Federation
Evgeny Kovalevskiy (SRIOH), Hans Kromhout (IRAS); IARC: Sara Schonfeld, Valerie McCormack, Joachim Schüz

Studies into incidence and survival differences of childhood leukemia
Eve Roman (Uni York), Martin Schrappe (Uni Kiel), Claudia Rössig (Uni Münster), Hans Lehrach (MPI), Peter Kaatsch (IMBEI); IARC: Laila Starr, Friederike Erdmann, Tracy Lightfoot, Joachim Schüz

Epidemiological Studies of Exposed Southern Urals Populations (SOLO project) – within: EU 7th Framework Programme: Radiation Protection – Quantification of Risks for Low and Protracted Exposures
John Harrison (HPA), Aleksander Akleyev (URCRM), Tamara Azizova (SUBI); IARC: Isabelle Deltour, Joachim Schüz

Advanced Research on Interaction Mechanisms of electroMagnetic exposures with Organisms for Risk Assessment (ARIMMORA)- within: EU 7th Framework Programme: Exposure to electro-magnetic fields (EMF): investigations of mechanisms to support risk assessment and reduce uncertainty
Niels Kuster (IT’IS), international consortium; IARC: Friederike Erdmann, Joachim Schüz

Selected Publications

Frei P, Poulsen AH, Johansen C, Olsen JH, Steding-Jessen M, Schüz J. (2011) Use of mobile phones and risk of brain tumours: update of Danish cohort study. BMJ 343 : d6387.

Schüz J, Schmidt LS, Kogner P, Lähteenmäki PM, Pal N, Stokland T, Schmiegelow K (2011) Birth characteristics and Wilms tumours in children in the Nordic countries: a register-based case-control study. Int J Cancer 128 : 2166-73.

Schmiedel S, Jacquez GM, Blettner M, Schüz J. (2011) Spatial clustering of leukemia and type 1 diabetes in children in Denmark Cancer Causes Control 22 : 849-57

Schüz J, Steding-Jessen M, Hansen S, Stangerup S, Cayé-Thomasen P, Johansen C. (2010) Sociodemographic factors and vestibular schwannoma: a Danish nationwide cohort study. Neuro Oncol 12 : 1291-9

Schüz J, Svendsen AL, Linet M, McBride ML, Roman E, Feychting M, Kheifets L, Lightfoot T, Mezei G, Simpson J, Ahlbom A.:263-9 (2007) Night-time exposure to electromagnetic fields and childhood leukemia: an extended pooled analysis. Am J Epidemiol 166 : 263-9

Scientific Societies Membership

Bioelectromagnetics Society (currently as President)

International Epidemiological Association

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Published in section: WHO'S WHO

Publication date: 19 July, 2018, 11:23

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