Thirteen sexually transmitted human papillomavirus (HPV) subtypes are responsible for all cervical cancer globally (570 000 cases) and a proportion of other anogenital and oropharyngeal cancers (120 000 cases). Following the establishment of safety and high efficacy of HPV vaccines in clinical trials, data are rapidly accruing on the impressive effectiveness of real-life HPV vaccine programs, including strong herd immunity effects, and cervical cancer reduction. HPV vaccination programs are the cornerstone to the WHO Global Strategy on Cervical Cancer Elimination. Hence, in this webinar we will first learn about the impact of HPV vaccination in one of the earliest, and most successful introducing countries, namely Australia. This will be followed by an up to date picture of global progress in HPV vaccine implementation, with a focus on challenges in low- and middle-income countries.
World Cancer Report Webinar Series – HPV Vaccination