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Innovations Teams
Population-Based Long-Term Surveillance (LTS) IARC–Japan Team

Starting date: January 2022

Work Programme

The aim of the Population-Based Long-Term Surveillance (LTS) IARC–Japan Team is to develop research activities to:

  • gather evidence about improved prognosis for cancer survivors;
  • identify associations between lifestyle risk factors and overall and cancer mortality among cancer survivors; and
  • investigate prognosis of cancer survivors in terms of quality of life after diagnosis.

This research is based on two existing cohorts:

The Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study (JPHC) cohort

The European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC) cohort

The JPHC and EPIC studies have very similar design, in terms of exposure assessment, the availability of information on cancer incidence and mortality, and the availability of biobanks with biological material stored for large proportions of study participants. However, the studies are different in their source populations, with diverse and complementary lifestyle and biological profiles. The LTS Team also seeks collaborations with prospective studies within the National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cohort Consortium and the Asia Cohort Consortium.

Team Composition

Team Leaders: Dr Norie Sawada, Senior Visiting Scientist, Nutrition and Metabolism Branch (NME), IARC
Division of Cohort Research, National Cancer Center Institute for Cancer Control (NCCICC), Tokyo, Japan
Dr Heinz Freisling, Nutrition and Metabolism Branch (NME), IARC

Team members:
Dr Hadrien Charvat (Visiting Scientist, CSU; NCC Japan) (
Dr Pietro Ferrari (Branch Head, NME)
Dr Marc Gunter (Senior Visiting Scientist, NME; NCC Japan)
Dr Inge Huybrechts (Scientist, NME)
Dr Rieko Kanehara (Scientist, NCC Japan) (
Dr Tomohiro Matsuda (Senior Visiting Scientist, CSU; Division of International Health Policy Research, NCCICC, Japan) (
Dr Isabelle Soerjomataram (Deputy Branch Head, CSU)

Key networks: Japan Public Health Center-based Prospective Study (JPHC), European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), Asia Cohort Consortium, National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cohort Consortium



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