Starting date: January 2021
Work Programme
The Nutrition, Cancer, and Multimorbidity Team (NCM) investigates how nutrition, obesity, and metabolic dysfunction interact with cardiometabolic diseases, including cardiovascular diseases and type 2 diabetes, in relation to cancer incidence. The co-occurrence of chronic diseases in individuals, including cardiometabolic diseases and cancer, defined as multimorbidity, is becoming increasingly common.
A primary question that NCM aims to answer is whether multimorbidity is due to shared risk factors, or whether cardiometabolic diseases, and related metabolic dysfunction, increase the risk of subsequent cancers. Another area of research for NCM is the role of lifestyle factors and the occurrence of morbid conditions that affect survival in people living with cancer.
Research outcomes will contribute to public health recommendations that are more inclusive for individuals living with cardiometabolic diseases and cancer, and inform targeted interventions to reduce the occurrence of chronic conditions.
Team Composition
Team Leader: Dr Heinz Freisling, Nutrition and Metabolism Branch (NME), IARC
Team members:
Dr Alem Gebremariam Abraha (Postdoctoral Scientist, NME)
Dr Pietro Ferrari (Branch Head, NME)
Dr Emma Fontvieille (Postdoctoral Scientist, NME)
Mr Quan Gan (Doctoral Student, NME)
Dr Nazlisadat Seyed Khoei (Visiting Scientist, NME)
Dr Komodo Matta (Postdoctoral Scientist, NME)
Dr Laia Peruchet Noray (Postdoctoral Scientist, NME)
Ms Sarah Sherwood (Administrative Assistant, NME)
Dr Salvatore Vaccarella (Scientist, CSU)
Dr Vivian Viallon (Scientist, NME)
Ms Karina Zaluski (Project Assistant, NME)
Key networks: European Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition (EPIC), Information System for Research in Primary Care (SIDIAP), National Cancer Institute (NCI) Cohort Consortium
Key funding: Institut national du Cancer (INCa), World Cancer Research Fund (WCRF), Austrian Science Fund (FWF), German Research Foundation (DFG)
Key publications
- Peruchet-Noray L, Dimou N, Cordova R, Fontvieille E, Jansana A, Gan Q, et al. (2024). Nature or nurture: genetic and environmental predictors of adiposity gain in adults. EBioMedicine. 111:105510. PMID:39689375
- Peruchet-Noray L, Sedlmeier AM, Dimou N, Baurecht H, Fervers B, Fontvieille E, et al. (2024). Tissue-specific genetic variation suggests distinct molecular pathways between body shape phenotypes and colorectal cancer. Sci Adv. 10(16):eadj1987. PMID:38640244
- Jansana A, Auguste A, Kvaskoff M, Fournier A, Fontvieille E, Peruchet-Noray L, et al. (2024). Impact of pre-existing cardiometabolic diseases on metastatic cancer stage at diagnosis: a prospective multinational cohort study. Cancer Commun (Lond). 44(5):593–7. PMID:38487965
- Cordova R, Viallon V, Fontvieille E, Peruchet-Noray L, Jansana A, Wagner KH, et al. (2023). Consumption of ultra-processed foods and risk of multimorbidity of cancer and cardiometabolic diseases: a multinational cohort study. Lancet Reg Health Eur. 35:100771. PMID:38115963
- Fontvieille E, Viallon V, Recalde M, Cordova R, Jansana A, Peruchet-Noray L, et al. (2023). Body mass index and cancer risk among adults with and without cardiometabolic diseases: evidence from the EPIC and UK Biobank prospective cohort studies. BMC Med. 21(1):418. PMID:37993940
- Recalde M, Pistillo A, Davila-Batista V, Leitzmann M, Romieu I, Viallon V, et al. (2023). Longitudinal body mass index and cancer risk: a cohort study of 2.6 million Catalan adults. Nat Commun. 14(1):3816. PMID:37391446
- Kohls M, Freisling H, Charvat H, Soerjomataram I, Viallon V, Davila-Batista V, et al. (2022). Impact of cumulative body mass index and cardiometabolic diseases on survival among patients with colorectal and breast cancer: a multi-centre cohort study. BMC Cancer. 22(1):546. PMID:35568802
- Amadou A, Freisling H, Jenab M, Tsilidis KK, Trichopoulou A, Boffetta P, et al. (2021). Prevalent diabetes and risk of total, colorectal, prostate and breast cancers in an ageing population: meta-analysis of individual participant data from cohorts of the CHANCES consortium. Br J Cancer. 124(11):1882–90. PMID:33772152
- Recalde M, Davila-Batista V, Díaz Y, Leitzmann M, Romieu I, Freisling H, et al. (2021). Body mass index and waist circumference in relation to the risk of 26 types of cancer: a prospective cohort study of 3.5 million adults in Spain. BMC Med. 19(1):10. PMID:33441148
- Freisling H, Viallon V, Lennon H, Bagnardi V, Ricci C, Butterworth AS, et al. (2020). Lifestyle factors and risk of multimorbidity of cancer and cardiometabolic diseases: a multinational cohort study. BMC Med. 18(1):5. PMID:31918762